Spontini’s Julie (1805)

 Includes an introductory discussion of Spontini’s stylistic development. Considers the history of Julie, ou Le pot de fleurs, summarizes its libretto, and analyzes its score. Departs from Riccardo Gandolfi’s Relazione della poesia colla musica nel melodramma (Atti dell’Accademia de R. Instituto Musicale di Firenze, 1869) and explicates the following statement: It is ‘indeed the adoption of the French language…that is a primary element, perhaps the determining element, in the prodigious elevation of tone and energy of Spontini’s new Modus loquendi, which has been affirmed in his 3 grand heroic operas written for Paris’. The Comédies a ariettes composed for the Théâtre-Feydeau (l’Opéra comique) comprise an interesting phase of Spontini’s career.