Dame Janet Elizabeth Ritterman
Dame Janet Ritterman (b.1941) was born in Sydney, where she studied at the State Conservatorium before undertaking postgraduate studies in London. An active pianist, accompanist and chamber musician, she combined a busy schedule of recitals with academic research. She held academic positions in England from 1975 when she was Senior Lecturer in Music at the Middlesex Polytechnic (to 1979). In 1991 she was appointed the Principal of Dartington College of Arts. She became the director of the Royal College of Music in 1993, a post that she held until 2005, and during the same period she was an Honorary Visiting Professor of Music Education at the University of Plymouth. Ritterman became the third Chancellor of Middlesex University on 3 July 2013. She was involved with many projects and government initiatives to improve and raise the profile of music and music education, including work with the Arts Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council – in addition to similar organisations in Europe and Australia.
She was appointed a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 2002 for services to music.
Janet Elizabeth Ritterman è nata a Sydney, dove ha studiato allo State Conservatorium prima di intraprendere studi post-laurea a Londra. Pianista, accompagnatrice e musicista da camera, è riuscita a far andare di pari passo l’attività artistica con la ricerca accademica. Ha ricoperto incarichi accademici in Inghilterra dal 1975, quando è stata Senior Lecturer in Music al Middlesex Polytechnic (fino al 1979). Nel 1991 è stata nominata direttrice del Dartington College of Arts. Nel 1993 è diventata direttrice del Royal College of Music, carica che ha ricoperto fino al 2005, e nello stesso periodo è stata Honorary Visiting Professor of Music Education presso l’Università di Plymouth. Il 3 luglio 2013 Ritterman è diventata il terzo cancelliere della Middlesex University. È stata coinvolta in molti progetti e iniziative governative per migliorare e valorizzare la cultura e l’educazione musicale, fra cui il lavoro con l’Arts Council e l’Arts and Humanities Research Council, oltre alla collaborazione con organizzazioni analoghe in Europa e Australia.
Nel 2002 è stata nominata Dame Commander of the British Empire per i servizi resi alla musica.