Studiosa di danza free-lance, ha insegnato storia della danza alla Sapien- za Università di Roma e ha usufruito di varie borse di studio (CNR; Carina Ari Foundation, Stockholm; Ministère de la Culture, Paris). Visiting fellow alla Casa italiana della Columbia University nel 1997, ha lavorato sui materiali donati da Walter Toscanini alla Dance Collection della New York Public Library, realizzando la mostra Five Hundred Ye- ars of Italian Dance. Highlights from the Cia Fornaroli Collection (2006, con L. Garafola). Ha pubblicato diversi volumi tra cui Milloss. Un maestro della coreografia tra espressioni- smo e classicità (1996) e ha curato mostre in Italia e all’estero. Autrice di un documenta- rio su Gabriele d’Annunzio prodotto dall’Istituto LUCE (2002), ha curato molti volumi tra i quali recentemente, con Gianfranco Vinay, I Ballets Russes di Diaghilev tra storia e mito (2013) e Music-Dance. Sound and Motion in Contemporary Discourse (2018).
A free-lance scholar, she taught history of dance at the Sapienza University of Rome in the 1990s, and was the recipient of a number of scholarships (CNR; Carina Arina Foundation Stockholm; Ministère de la Culture, Paris). Visiting Fellow at the Casa Italiana of Columbia University in 1997, she worked at the materials donated by Walter Toscanini to the Dance Collection of The New York Public Library. This enabled her to curate the exhibition Five Hundred Years of Italian Dance. Highlights from the Cia Fornaroli Collection (with L. Garafola, 2006). She authored several books, beginning from Milloss. Un maestro della coreografia tra espressionismo e classicità (1996), and curated exhibitions in Italy and abroad. The author of a documentary on Gabriele D’Annunzio for Istituto LUCE (2002), she has edited many books, amongst which, with Gianfranco Vinay, I Ballets Russes di Diaghilev tra storia e mito (2013), and Music-Dance. Sound and Motion in Contemporary Discourse (2018).