Music and the Spiritual since the French Revolution
Siena, Accademia Musicale Chigiana, 1-3 December 2022
Following the French Revolution, as institutionalized religion generally declined in Europe and beyond, many artists turned away from rigid Christian dogma to explore horizons of spirituality aimed at enhancing the mystical component of religious experience. The last two centuries have seen many different redefinitions of aesthetic concepts binding non-dogmatic spirituality and sound. In the 19th century, the syncretic unity of text, music, and ritual in sacred art gradually weakened, leading to new relationships between aesthetic and religious elements. We find multiple examples of sacred elements in secularized forms and practices, such as allusions to religious or quasi-spiritual elements in secular music. The 20th century witnessed a significant decrease of sacred music dedicated to the rituals of an official religion, a trend that arguably continues today. However, like their nineteenth-century counterparts, many composers continued to forge close interactions with the sphere of spirituality, often concealing these references in the innermost layers of their openly secular and worldly poetic universes.
The musical outcomes of such complex, subtle engagements between the sacred and secular spheres, have yet to be fully explored. They invite questions about composers’ relationships with tradition and modernity, the idea of progress as a gradual approach towards perfection, the aesthetic tendency towards abstraction, the shaping of musical listening under specific aesthetic tenets, the search for new dimensions of musical temporality, the mixing of religiosity and processes involving national identity, etc. Following these premises, the conference aims to explore the multiple paths – whether involving performance and listening practices or creative works – inspired by ideas of spirituality in 19th-, 20th and 21st-century music cultures.
15.30-16.00 – Welcome and Introductory remarks
Nicola Sani (Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Artistic Director)
Susanna Pasticci (Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies, Editor – Università di Cassino)
16.00-17.00 – Prolusion
Franco Cardini (Professor Emeritus ISUS/SNS)
In conversation with Giancarlo Riccio (writer, journalist and music critic for the Corriere della Sera)
Musica e Storia Sociale dalla Rivoluzione Francese a Oggi
17.20-18.00 – Keynote 1
Simone Caputo (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome)
La celebrazione funebre tra musica e politica: la Rivoluzione francese e l’idea civile della morte
18.00-19.00 – Session 1: Spiritual Power and Political Action
CHAIR: Nicola Sani (Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Artistic Director)
James Garratt (University of Manchester)
Christ in the Kulturkampf: Competing Truth Regimes in German Religious Art and Music of the 1870s
Melita Milin (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Expressing the Religious and the Spiritual in Art Music under State-Socialism
19.30 – Concert
Siena Cathedral Choir ‘Guido Chigi Saracini’, director Lorenzo Donati
10.00-10.40 – Keynote 2
Eftychia Papanikolaou (Bowling Green State University)
Consecrating the Stage: Uwe Scholz’s Choreographic Completion of Mozart’s Große Messe
10.40-13.00 – Session 2: Listening to the Spiritual: Identities and Communities
CHAIR: Antonio Cascelli (Maynooth University)
Hedy Law (University of British Columbia)
Mourning for a City’s Premature Death: Cantonese Opera, Cantopop, and the Cantonese Choral Composition Requiem HK (2017)
Matteo Macinanti (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome)
Missione ed ecumenismo: la creatività in esilio dei compositori russo-parigini tra le due guerre mondiali
Martin V. Clarke (Open University)
‘Bread of Heaven’: Bryn Terfel and the Rearticulation of Welsh Spirituality, Musicality and Identity
15.00-15.40 – Keynote 3
Roe-Min Kok (McGill University)
Spiritualizing Gender in Domestic Music
15.40-18.00 – Session 3: Searching for Spirituality: Faith and Reason
CHAIR: Candida Felici (Conservatory of Music ‘Giuseppe Verdi’, Milan)
Maria Rosa De Luca (University of Catania)
«…qual può cristiano vantar virtude che il Sultan non vanti?». Fede e ragione sulla scena operistica di metà Ottocento nella controversa ricezione della Zaïre di Voltaire
Lorenzo Corsini (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome)
Il ‘problema’ del sacro nell’ultimo Verdi: esiti musicali del culto mariano?
Federico Gon (Conservatory of Music ‘Giuseppe Tartini’, Trieste)
Intelligo ut credam? Rossini, la fede e la Petite messe solennelle
10.00-13.00 – Session 4: Constructing Spirituality: Metaphysics and Contemplation
CHAIR: Mila De Santis (University of Florence)
Brian Inglis (Middlesex University, London)
‘Dumped Modernism’? The Interplay of Musical Construction and Spiritual Affect in John Tavener and his To a Child Dancing in the Wind
Graziella Seminara (University of Catania)
L’ “interrogazione metafisica” nel teatro musicale italiano contemporaneo. Due casi studio
June Boyce-Tillman (University of Winchester)
Blurring the Boundaries between Concert and Liturgy
Kerry Bunkhall (Cardiff University)
Le Bœuf sur le toit: The Intersection of Francis Poulenc’s ‘Monk’ and ‘Rascal’
Stefano Lombardi Vallauri (IULM University, Milan)
Buddismi oggettivi di John Cage, Giacinto Scelsi, Morton Feldman, Luigi Nono
15.00-15.40 – Keynote 4
Andrew Shenton (Boston University)
Pärt after Pärt: The Composer as Progenitor
15.40-18.00 – Session 5: Embodying the Spiritual: Mysticism and Transcendence
CHAIR: Massimiliano Locanto (University of Salerno)
Jan Christiaens (University of Leuven)
Tracking Transcendence. Disappearance as Compositional and Eschatological Trace in Organ Works of Olivier Messiaen and Mark Andre
Sonja Wermager (Columbia University)
‘A Sort of Mysticism:’ Re-examining the Reception of Robert Schumann’s Late Sacred Music
Germán Gan-Quesada (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Murmuring Solitude, Silent Music. The Mystical and Poetic Universe of Saint John of the Cross in Spanish Avant-garde Music
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Philip V. Bohlman, Simone Caputo, Mila De Santis, Roe-Min Kok, Eftychia Papanikolaou, Susanna Pasticci (chair), Andrew Shenton
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Antonio Artese, Marica Coppola, Stefano Jacoviello, Anna Passarini, Nicola Sani, Samantha Stout