Music and Power in the Long Nineteenth Century
Siena, Accademia Musicale Chigiana, 2-4 December 2021
Chigiana Conference will be held both in person and online.
All sessions will be held on Zoom webinar. The sessions will be broadcast live on Chigiana Digital
and the YouTube channel of the Accademia Musicale Chigiana.
The instrumentalization of the arts, including music, to represent and exercise power has been investigated extensively within the societal context of the ancien régime and the twentieth century, mostly in relation to absolutism and dictatorship. This conference shall instead delve into this topic during the “long nineteenth century” (c. 1789-1914): the age of the Industrial Revolution, liberalism and social conflicts, nationalism, and colonialism.
‘Power’ is understood not only in the strictly political sense, as state power, or as the domination of one nation or ethnic group over others; rather, in light of recent historiographical and philosophical debates, the scope of the concept extends broadly to all aspects of social life where there is a significant relationship of domination/submission. The geographical scope will focus on the Western world (Europe and the Americas), including extra-European territories subject to or influenced by colonial rule. Papers will cover the entire field of music without limitations in genre, from sacred to instrumental music, from musical theater to folk song, and beyond.
15.00-15.40 – Welcome and Introductory remarks
Nicola Sani (Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Artistic Director)
Massimiliano Locanto (Scientific Committee Chair – Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies, Associate Editor)
15.40-17.00 – Session 1: Control, Abuse, Repression
CHAIR: Susanna Pasticci (Università di Cassino)
Hilary Poriss (Northeastern University)
Critical Abuse and the Death of Maria Malibran
Matthew Roy (Westmont College)
The Piano Bench as Locus of Control: Adult/Child Power Dynamics in Imaginative Children’s Music.
17.20-18.00 – Keynote 1
Axel Körner (Universität Leipzig)
Music, Power, and the Changing Semantics of Time in the Long Nineteenth Century
18.30 – In memory of Fiamma Nicolodi and Antonio Rostagno
Mila De Santis and Matteo Macinanti, testimonials
Antonio Artese, piano
9.30-13.10 – Session 2: Structures of Power in Opera and Music Theatre
CHAIR: Fabrizio Della Seta (Università di Pavia)
Bella Brover-Lubovsky (Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance)
Andromeda Rescued on the Banks of the Neva: Opera for the Grand Master of the Order of Malta
Jules Cavalié (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris)
Praising the King or Endorsing Higher Social Classes? The Aesthetics of Power in Rossini’s Il Viaggio a Reims
Mark Everist (University of Southampton)
Opera in the Bathroom: Power and Personality in opéra de salon of the Second Empire
Sonja Jüschke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Topsy-Turvy or Mainstream? Power Structures in Late Victorian Popular Musical Theatre
Francesco Fontanelli (Università di Pavia)
«Sei er gefehmt, sei er gebannt!» Il destino degli oppressi e dei redenti, da Tannhäuser a Parsifal
15.00-18.00 – Session 3: Imperialism, Colonialism, Decolonization
CHAIR: Markus Engelhardt (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom)
Kate Driscoll (Colorado College)
“Though a slave enchained to a tyrant, are you not still a sovereign?”: Captive Cartographies of Race and Empire in Meyerbeer’s Vasco de Gama
Erin G. Johnson-Williams (Durham University)
Audible Incarceration: Singing and Suffering in Boer War Concentration Camps
Henry Stoll (Harvard University)
“Qui bon Roi!”: Staging Sovereignty at the Kingdom of Hayti
Salvatore Morra (Università della Tuscia)
Decolonizing Tunisian Mālūf: Articulation and Struggles in French-Tunisian Protectorate
9.30-10.10 – Keynote 2
Carlotta Sorba (Università di Padova)
Palchi reali nei teatri italiani del primo Ottocento: spazi, pratiche, significati
10.10-13.10 – Session 4: Music, Institutions and Power
CHAIR: Esteban Buch (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
Caiti Hauck (Universität Bern)
Choral Societies and Political Power in the Cities of Bern and Fribourg in the 19th century
Verena Paul (Kunstuniversität Graz)
Playing for Supremacy, or The International Contest of Military Bands in 1867
Ellen Stokes (University of Huddersfield)
Holding Musical Court in Vienna: Antonio Salieri and his Retention of Power as Europe’s most Infamous Imperial Kapellmeister
Alamgir Parvez (Rajshahi University)
The Invisible Power of Indian Music: A Historical Analysis of the 19th Century
15.00-16.20 – Session 5: Music and Power in the Aftermath of the Congress of Vienna
CHAIR: Massimiliano Locanto (Università di Salerno)
Galliano Ciliberti (Conservatorio di Monopoli)
La Chapelle royale durante la “Restaurazione” (1815-1830): cerimoniale e ritualizzazione del quotidiano come instrumentum regni
Claudio Vellutini (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Opera, Mobility, and Austrian Cultural Policies after the Congress of Vienna
16.40-18.00 – Session 6: The Power of Music Industry
CHAIR: Stefano Jacoviello (Università di Siena)
Paolo Prato (John Cabot University)
Exporting Naples: Geopolitics and Transculturality, from “Te vojo bene assaje” to Caruso
Alessandro Avallone – Emanuele Franceschetti (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Potere e influenza dell’industria culturale: musica e immagini nella pubblicistica primonovecentesca targata Ricordi
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Massimiliano Locanto, Esteban Buch, Fabrizio Della Seta, Markus Engelhardt, Axel Körner, Fiamma Nicolodi, Antonio Rostagno, Carlotta Sorba.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Susanna Pasticci, Antonio Artese, Stefano Jacoviello, Matteo Macinanti, Anna Passarini, Nicola Sani, Samantha Stout.: