Re-envisaging Music: Listening in the Visual Age
1-12 December 2020 (pre-recorded papers online)
10-12 December 2020 (live sessions, UTC+1)
Music and images, seeing and hearing have always been inextricably linked. Even when more autonomous concepts of music developed at various times through the centuries, they arguably served to keep at bay the ever-present visual dimensions of the act of listening. When we listen to music, do we just listen? When we see a painting, or anything else, do we just watch?
The last few decades, however, have witnessed the advent of an ever more pervasive visuality. From the development of technology to social media to special effects, seeing is foregrounded like never before. What does this mean for music? How do music’s materialities answer to the materialities of visual objects and arts? Do these new developments affect our listening and performance experiences? What categories are particularly useful to explain the connections between musical and visual domains? How are different musical traditions, from “classical” music and opera to jazz, popular and folk music being re- envisaged?
The aim of the conference Re-envisaging Music: Listening in the Visual Age is to explore the new scenarios created by these questions and how they inevitably change the dimension of spectatorship, the way we associate music with sites of performance, how the bodies of the performers act, the act of listening, and how we understand traditions and moving images.
Pre-recorded videos of the individual papers will be made available online from 1st December at the following link: https://digital.chigiana.org
Access to the digital platform of the Accademia Musicale Chigiana is free but it is necessary to register.
The live sessions will take place on Zoom and will include discussions with the authors of the papers and the presentation of the keynote speaker. It will be possible to post questions in advance.
15.00-15.30 – Welcome and Introductory remarks
Nicola Sani (Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Artistic Director)
Antonio Cascelli (Scientific Committee Chair – Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies, Associate Editor)
15.30-16.30 – Session 1: Spectatorship
CHAIR: Francesca Placanica (Maynooth University, Ireland)
SPEAKERS: Julia Freund (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Maurizio Giani (Università di Bologna)
Nicolò Palazzetti (GREAM – Université de Strasbourg)
Jacopo Tomatis (Università di Torino)
16.30-17.00 – Conference break: Chigiana talents online
17.00 – 18.00 – Session 2: Sites
CHAIR: Tim Carter (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
SPEAKERS: Cole Bendall (University of Edinburgh)
Maria Rosa De Luca – Giuseppe Sanfratello (Università di Catania)
Carlo Lanfossi – Elena Oliva (Università di Milano – Università di Firenze)
Jessica Stearns (University of North Texas)
15.00-16.00 – Session 3: Bodies
CHAIR: Christopher Morris (Maynooth University, Ireland)
SPEAKERS: Thomas R. Moore (University of Antwerp and Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp (ARIA)
Farrah O’Shea (University of California, Los Angeles)
Carlo Siega (Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz)
16.00-16.30 – Conference break: Chigiana talents online
21.00-23.00 – Concert
Michele Campanella, piano
Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonatas op. 109, 110 and 111
15.00-16.00 – Session 4: Traditions
CHAIR: Laura Leante (Durham University)
SPEAKERS: Jeroen van Gessel (State University Groningen, The Netherlands)
Stefano Mengozzi (University of Michigan)
Christopher Smith (Vernacular Music Center, Texas Tech University)
Joseph Wong (Hong Kong Composers’ Guild)
16.00-16.30 – Conference break: Chigiana talents online
16.30-17.30 – Session 5: Moving Images
CHAIR: Stefano Jacoviello (Università di Siena)
SPEAKERS: Giacomo Albert – Gianfranco Vinay (Università di Bologna – Université Paris 8)
Henry Balme (Yale University)
Joseph Kay (University of Oxford)
Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo)
Matteo Quattrocchi (Università di Verona)
17.30-18.00 – Conclusions
CHAIR: Susanna Pasticci (Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies, Editor-in-Chief)
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Antonio Cascelli, Tim Carter, Laura Leante, Allan Moore, Christopher Morris, Emanuele Senici.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Susanna Pasticci, Antonio Artese, Stefano Jacoviello, Matteo Macinanti, Anna Passarini, Nicola Sani, Samantha Stout.
The conference is organised within the 2020 Chigiana Project, Reshaping the Traditions. The project aims to explore the impact of the concepts of tradition in contemporary music culture, combining educational opportunities, music production and scientific research.