Contract lecturer in Music Disciplines since 2014, he collaborates in the music editing of the Biographical Dictionary of Italians (Treccani). Since 2019 he has been Editorial Assistant-in-Chief of «Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies», and a member of the International Sound Studies Forum. He has edited Pergolesi Studies 7 (Peter Lang, 2012), Nove studi su Benjamin Britten (LIM, 2015) and published the critical edition of Niccolò Jommelli’s Trionfo di Clelia (ETS, 2019). Works in press include the volume Musiche del nuovo millennio (Carocci) and the collective volume Italian Soundscapes from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century (co-editor, with Franco Piperno and Emanuele Senici, Routledge).