Axel Körner
Professore di Storia culturale e intellettuale moderna all’Università di Lipsia e professore onorario all’University College di Londra. È stato visiting professor presso l’Institute of Advanced Study di Princeton, l’École Normale Supérieure di Parigi e la New York University. Autore di numerosi studi sulla storia dell’opera e della musica in prospettiva transnazionale, il suo volume America in Italy. The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865, 1763–1865 (Princeton University Press, 2017) ha vinto l’Helen & Howard Marraro Prize dell’American Historical Association. I suoi lavori precedenti includono Politics of Culture in Liberal Italy. From Unification to Fascism (Routledge, 2009), e Das Lied von einer anderen Welt. Kulturelle Praxis im französischen und deutschen Arbeitermilieu, 1840–1890 (Campus, 1997). Tra le sue pubblicazioni più recenti si segnala Italian Opera in Global and Transnational Perspective: Reimagining Italianità in the Long Nineteenth Century (curato con Paulo Kühl, Cambridge University Press, 2022). Attualmente è Principal Investigator di un progetto finanziato dall’European Research Council dal titolo Opera and the Politics of Empire in Habsburg Europe, 1815–1914.
Professor of Modern Cultural and Intellectual History at Leipzig University and Honorary Professor at University College London. He held visiting positions at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and at New York University. He published widely on the history of opera and music in transnational perspective. His America in Italy. The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865 (Princeton University Press, 2017) won the Helen & Howard Marraro Prize of the American Historical Association. Previous books include Politics of Culture in Liberal Italy. From Unification to Fascism (Routledge, 2009), and Das Lied von einer anderen Welt. Kulturelle Praxis im französischen und deutschen Arbeitermilieu, 1840–1890 (Campus, 1997). His most recent publication is entitled Italian Opera in Global and Transnational Perspective: Reimagining Italianità in the Long Nineteenth Century (co-edited with Paulo Kühl, Cambridge University Press, 2022). Currently he is Principal Investigator on a collaborative project funded by the European Research Council, entitled Opera and the Politics of Empire in Habsburg Europe, 1815–1914.