Pierre Audi
Franco-Lebanese theatre director and artistic director. He graduated in History from Exeter College, Oxford, where in his final year he directed an Oxford University Dramatic Society production: William Shakespeare’s Timons of Athens. After buying the derelict building, in 1979 he founded the Almeida Theatre in Islington, London, and he was its artistic director, commissioning works from hundreds of composers and directors from Europe, Russia, North America, Japan, Argentina and Morocco. From 1988 to 2018 he was artistic director of the Dutch National Opera, Amsterdam, where among many productions operations he realised the first complete Dutch performance of the Ring, Lorenzo Da Ponte’s Mozart operas, Francis Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites, Peter Greenaway and Louis Andriessen’s Rosa – A Horse Drama and Writing to Vermeer, Alexander Knaifel’s Alice in Wonderland and Claude Vivier’s Rêves d’un Marco Polo. He commissioned Alfred Schnittke’s opera Zhizn s idiotom (Life with an Idiot). From 2005 to 2014 he was also director of the Holland Festival.
Since 2018, he has been director of the Festival International d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence.
Regista teatrale e direttore artistico franco-libanese. Si è laureato in Storia presso l’Exeter College, Oxford, dove l’ultimo anno ha diretto una produzione dell’Oxford University Dramatic Society, Timons of Athens di William Shakespeare. Dopo averne acquistato l’edificio in rovina, nel 1979 fonda l’Almeida Theatre a Islington, Londra, e ne cura la direzione artistica commissionando opere a centinaia di compositori e registi fra Europa, Russia, Nord America, Giappone, Argentina e Marocco. Dal 1988 a 2018 è stato direttore artistico della Dutch National Opera, Amsterdam, dove fra le varie operazioni ha prodotto la prima esecuzione olandese completa del Ring, le opere mozartiane di Lorenzo Da Ponte, Dialogues des Carmélites di Francis Poulenc, Rosa – A Horse Drama e Writing to Vermeer di Peter Greenaway e Louis Andriessen, Alice in Wonderland di Alexander Knaifel’s e Rêves d’un Marco Polo di Claude Vivier. Ha commissionato ad Alfred Schnittke l’opera Zhizn s idiotom (Vita con un idiota). Dal 2005 al 2014 è stato anche direttore dell’Holland Festival. Dal 2018 è direttore del Festival International d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence.