Professor Emeritus in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University (British Columbia, Canada). He worked with the World Soundscape Project, editing its Handbook for Acoustic Ecology, and has published the book Acoustic Communication (Ablex, 1984 and 2001). In 1991 his work, Riverrun, was awarded the Magisterium at the International Competition of Electroacoustic Music in Bourges, France. Truax’s multi-channel soundscape compositions are frequently featured in concerts and festivals around the world. In 2015–16 he was the Edgard Varèse Guest Professor at the Technical University in Berlin.  Website: <>

Barry Truax è professore emerito presso la scuola di Comunicazione dell’Università Simon Fraser (British Columbia, Canada). Ha lavorato con il World Soundscape Project, curando l’Handbook for Acoustic Ecology (1978), e ha pubblicato il volume Acoustic Communication (Ablex, 1984 e 2001). Nel 1991 la sua composizione Riverrun è stata premiata all’International Competition of Electroacoustic Music di Bourges, Francia. Le sue soundscape compositions multi-canale vengono spesso eseguite in concerti e festival internazionali. Nel 2015–16 è stato professore ospite (cattedra Edgard Varèse) alla Technische Universität di Berlino. Sito web: <>.